DR Suudi justifies the Power of Choosing Christ by Getting Saved in Nalonda!


In life, tables always turn and its all God’s Power! We have all been undermined in life before by people who were ahead of us, at one point in life however, God exalts us in one way or another and the people that undermined us in the past come back at us asking for a hand because things turned west for them……..

Well, a story of a sort is one Dr Suudi tells  in the opening lines of his latest single! Titled Nalonda, the song is an urban afrobeat gospel vibe with kicks and beats that evoke the dancing element in anyone!

In the song, Dr Suudi tells how his decision to choose God and getting saved elevated him to a point getting all those that undermined him coming back to him because he is way better without having any fail in life.

“Nalonda nemalayo…….. ” is a line from the songs chorus loosely translated as “I Made a choice once and for all.” Suudi makes sense of his relationship with God by wondering how his mercy is above human kind together with his provision that is top notch something that has brought about happiness in his life.

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Dr Suudi

Produced by Nessim Pan Production, Nalonda is a follow up to Dr Suudi’s March 2022 release titled Nkwagala Nnyoo that expresses his love for and faith in God for what He has done for him aswell as exhibiting determination and positive intent, a top notch characteristic of his music.

Check out Nalonda on Various Platforms using the Smart Link here below



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