Cultural diversity define Iran’s fight for humanity 

Dignitaries that graced the seminar

The ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Uganda, H.E Majid Saffar has revealed that Iran’s diverse cultures have fostered their will and strength to fight for humanity.

He said this while addressing the audience at the second Iranology seminar that was held at Mutesa 1 Royal University in Kampala.

He emphasized the achievements of the Iranian culture, architectural design development by mentioning 

some of the works of the celebrated scientists and poets such as Saadi, Rumi and others.

Despite the steady progress, the ambassador mentioned enormous challenges that he credits to have shaped their country hence investments  in knowledge-based resources that have helped to build the nation in all aspheric developments through scholarly pursuit while creating global Harmony with other players. 

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Mr. Abdollah Abbasi, the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Speaking at the seminar, Mr. Abdollah Abbasi, the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, continued to highlight medical tourism in Iran by explaining it’s affordability compared to other countries with professional medical doctors. 


Prof. Vicent Kakembo, the Vice Chancellor of Muteesa I Royal University emphasized that Iran’s cultural civilization be considered and emulated for its development model and preservation.

Prof. Adam Sebyala, an academic lecturer at Al-Mustafa Islamic College noted that Iran is the successor of the roman empire. 

He said that Iran contributed greatly to the Islamic civilization and it stretched to the east Asia where it conquered Egypt. 

He said that Iranians gave their civilization free of charge to different societies and don’t entertain cultural invasion which is evidenced by the current resistance of more than 44 years. 

“They have never allowed occupation of any kind but only allowed Islam culturally. They served Sunni Islam wholeheartedly such the literature of sahih Bukhari, sahih Muslim, Abu Maja among others. 

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Some of the audience at the seminar

Miss Zahra Afzali, the head of Iran – Uganda Innovation and Technology Center highlighted the agricultural machinery, and inputs such as fertilizers, hybrid seeds, from the Iran.

She invited participants to the Iran Uganda Innovation and Technology Center to be linked with Iran companies in different sectors.

Mrs. Esther Nankinga, managing director of Mugalabi Technical Ventures Africa acknowledged Iran’s Technical knowledge and expertise. She noted that Iranian people manufacture everything that is used in the daily lifestyle and therefore implored participants to learn and explore from the Islamic Republic of Iran possibilities and potentials.

Miss Mahan Hassan Kyomuhendo and Hon. Luyimbaazi Issah Katungulu while interacting with students, they engaged them on different opportunities at hand as they asked them questions related to knowing about Iran today.

The African Youth ambassador Issah Luyimbazi Katungulu advised the youth and young academia to prioritize their cultural values and promote the pure African values through value addition and embracing science and technology just like the Islamic republic of Iran.

Iranology seminar was organised to create a platform for students and professors who share a deep interest in Iran and its rich history and culture. The seminar seeks to give people worldwide a comprehensive notion of the Iranian civilization and to cooperate with foreign Iranologists in this regard. 



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