UMA Electoral body Rubbishes King Saha’s claims of Planned Vote Rigging!


King Saha has been on edge about the upcoming UMA elections that are bound to take place on 23rd May 2022. He came out to express his worry publicly in his press briefing, mentioning that the voting register he was given in the beginning has been deterred and it keeps on changing, worrying him that there could be a case of vote rigging.

“They gave me a register and told me that those were the people that were going to vote. Now I have heard that they are registering other people and this means that the register will have to change. If it changes, then I am worried that they may rig votes,” he said.

Standing for President – King Saha

Saha mentioned that he expected consistency in the voting register but he is worried as he was told by the chair person of the UMA electoral Commission that the list would be updated daily and moreover, new names keep appearing on the voting register. The chairperson of the UMA electoral Commission, Geoffrey Ekongot however has rubbished Saha’s claims, mentioning that he was never assured it would be a constant list. He mentioned that the association keeps on registering the new artistes in the industry and nothing can stop the registering process, not even the voting of UMA leadership. 

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Jeff Ekongot, Chairman UMA Electoral board displaying the UMA members register during a press briefing recently

“The association has been registering new members every year. Many other new members are being registered and we shall do this every year to lure more artistes into the association. Elections can’t stop us from registering new members,” Ekongot  said. 

Geoffrey Ekongot further mentioned that the voting system will be very transparent as it will be put out for everyone to see how it has been carried out, with all the tallying to get rid of all vote rigging misconceptions.


“We shall put the system outside so that everyone can be able to see how the elections shall be going on and what the results are. So I don’t think there will be any vote irregularities,” he assured.



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