Hon. Kadaga visits Itanda Falls, Promises to lobby for Nyege Nyege in Cabinet


1st Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of East African Community Affairs Honourable Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga visited Itanda Falls in Jinja on Day 4 of the Nyege Nyege Festival!

Upon arrival, Kadaga was welcomed by Ally Allybai, the CEO of Talent Africa Group, the main organisers of this annual Festival.

In her address to Journalists, Kadaga said she was set to make a presentation to Parliament calling on government to fully support and make investments into Nyege Nyege Festival.

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Hon. Kadaga was presented a Bottle of Uganda Waragi from the Festival Title sponsors – UG WARAGI

The Minister wants government to embark on logistics and infrastructural projects aimed at improving the Festival experience in the coming years.

“Iam going to report back to cabinet what I have seen here and what we should do better” she partly said!

Prior to its happening, Nyege Nyege festival faced alot of resistance from the legislative arm of government led by its head Speaker Anita Among who had earlier passed a resolution to stop the Festival from happening.

With all the resistance though, the festival was later okayed by the Prime Minister and it finally went on with even more energy and vibes.



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