Martha Mukisa Escapes Robbery Attempt .


Popular singer Martha Mukisa, renowned for her trademark term “Sisaaga,” recently revealed a harrowing encounter with a potential robber over the weekend.

The incident unfolded as she was driving home, with a man dressed entirely in black attempting to force his way into her car. Reacting swiftly, Mukisa sounded a loud alarm while accelerating in panic, causing the assailant to mysteriously vanish.

Expressing gratitude for her safety, Mukisa issued a caution to the public and fellow drivers, emphasizing the importance of locking cars securely while driving and parking in safe areas. She shared her near-miss on social media, stating, “I nearly got robbed on Sunday night as I was driving back home. A man dressed in all black opened the car, trying to get in. Hmm, I almost got a heart attack. I made the loudest two noises as I accelerated in panic, and thankfully he let go. Please lock your cars and park in a safe place. Stay safe. Otherwise, I thank God for life. Have a blessed day and enjoy the exam.”


Martha Mukisa, known for her hit “Tondeka Kemebwa,” reflected on the incident, expressing gratitude to God for saving her from potential danger. She urged everyone to prioritize their safety and take precautions against potential attacks.

In addition to her recent ordeal, Martha Mukisa stands out as one of the emerging female artists making a mark in the music industry. On May 12, 2023, she successfully hosted her maiden concert, a significant milestone in her career, considering the challenges faced by many artists in organizing such events.



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