#LIST: Here are the 10 most followed Kenyan Tiktokers


Ten years ago, if you wanted to be famous, you’d have to wait for your local TV to discover you or the national paper. And then, you’d have to hope for the best.  

But 10 years ago was a long time ago. Today, with just a decent phone, with a decent camera and a decent amount of talent, fame is just slightly beyond your nose. Dancing coyly, a click-of-a-button away. 

Now, with millions upon millions of people logging in on the daily- and let’s be honest, some, multiple times a day-  Tiktok is almost certainly,  one of the most popular apps in the world.

That’s where stars are made on the daily.  Tiktok. 

Today, stars are on the rise, people hitherto unknown have become household names.  I mean, Khaby Lame become a worldwide sensation without uttering a single word. 

Closer home, Kenya has also seen a sudden birth of new Tiktok sensations:  comedians, dancers, masters and mistresses of the lip sync, cooks (although honestly, they’d prefer you call them chefs), and others who live off pirated content. 

Anyways, long story.  The shorter version? Here is the list for the top 10 most followed Kenyan TikTokers


Vick Brandon

With a following of 2.2 million, Brandon (is that even his real name?), sits pretty on the throne of Kenya’s funniest online TikTokers. He is creative, funny and versatile. And you know who else agrees with me? The 27.7 million collective likes on his video content so far. 

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 Azziad Nasenya

It hard to even place her in any category. She is a star everywhere and to be honest, the one person who made many Kenyans discover TikTok.

With the Midas touch, everything she touches, goes viral. (I mean, just ask Femi One).

Azziad dances herself app to app, deal after deal, and with a smile that lights up the dullest of Like buttons. 

With no end in sight, she boasts a collective 19.4 million likes on TikTok, and some 1.5 million strong followers.


Mukenya Vibes 

Zanji Mukenya has danced himself into a following of 571.2K. 

That and a copious amount of funny videos has garnered him some 11.3 million likes on Tiktok, ensuring he has a seat in the Kenyan pantheon of Tiktok greats. 

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Zoe Mop

Idk man, this account has a collection of videos featuring a literal floor-mop. Okay, a floor mop with a personality and some very creative edits. 

But how does that explain 570.6K followers and some 14.9 million likes, still beats me but boy is he engaging.


Swiry Nyar Kano

She fancies herself a voice for Africa and a positive impact influencer. Although her account is not verified, she has a following of 555.1K and some collective 7.7 million likes from fans who can’t get enough of her thought-provoking content that makes you proud to be African.

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Before everyone became funny online, Flaqo and his family which he brilliantly plays all characters, was funny. And he did it all on Instagram, Tiktok’s older sister.

And now, he has tickled his way through to some 541.7K followers on Tiktok and with no end in sight, raking up some collective 5.6 million likes. 

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Mr. Mbilimbili

Mr. Mbilimbili’s feed is an interesting mix of creative and funny content. Scratch that. He is wildly hilarious. His original videos rake in hundreds of views by the second. 

He boasts a following of 512.6K and has 4.1 million collective likes on his videos.

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I would have loved to say that Carlos has flirted his way to some 509.0K followers and a collective 9.2 million likes but, ok, I will say it.

But what he lacks in flirting, Flirtycarlos more than makes up for it with dancing. He calls himself an award-winning dancer, and has the numbers and moves to back it up. 

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Naughty by nature

If you are expecting some racy content, you will be sufficiently disappointed. 

But this Kenyan/Tanzanian content creator serves some serious lip sync vibes. That and looks.

She boasts some 489.6k follows and 5.7million likes. 

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Vanessa does everything. She can rap, as per her bio but it’s the comedy and the drama that had me spending quite some time on her timeline. With a collective 6.6 million likes and 478.3K follows, it is clear that I’m not the only one digging her content.  Sharon is also a Software Engineer.



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