Recho Rey Wants A Battle With Keko.


In Uganda’s vibrant rap scene, talent abounds, and one female artist making significant waves is Recho Rey, renowned for her confidence and formidable rap prowess.

Recho Rey first made her mark when she entered the Who Is Who freestyle challenge, showcasing her lyrical prowess and distinctive flow.

Her bold, unapologetic style quickly garnered a dedicated fanbase, propelling her music journey forward steadily.


During an interview on Galaxy TV, Recho Rey was questioned about potential competition from other female rappers, prompting Keko to join the conversation.

Keko, a familiar name in discussions about female rap, has long been a stalwart in the genre.

Recho Rey’s journey in the Ugandan music industry has been a rollercoaster, but she has consistently maintained her relevance in the limelight.

Despite navigating through various music labels and management changes to advance her career, Recho Rey remains resolute in her pursuit of success.

Boldly asserting her dominance, Recho Rey claimed that no female artist could rival her in a rap battle, asserting herself as the “KING” if Keko is the queen, asserting her supremacy in the female rap realm.

The prospect of these artists going head-to-head to showcase their skills would undoubtedly be intriguing.



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