Hon. Nobert Mao meets Artistes over CRBTs Revenue & Copyright Act Amendment!


Following a petition by the National Culture Forum NCF on the sharing of revenues arising out of Call Ring Back Tones – CRBTs and the amendment of the Copyright Act, the Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister Hon. Nobert Mao held a meeting with artistes on Wednesday afternoon.

Artists receive a mere 1.8% of CRBTs revenue which they say is exploitative. In addition, their works are exploited via gadgets without remuneration. The Minister under whose docket, the Copyright law falls has committed to support the amendment of the Act to meet the goal of more money in the pockets of artists. His commitment is in line with a Presidential directive on the same issued in 2020.

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Hon Mao with NCF leaders. ( L – R ) Emma Carlos- NCF Executive Secretary, Hannington Bugingo- NCF member, Hon . Nobert Mao – Justice Minister, Charles Batambuze – Vice Chairperson NCF & Patrick Muhumuza – Operations Head NCF

He also reiterated the need to protect local cultures by regulating the inflow of foreign musicians into Uganda. He pledged to mobilise the following Ministries, Finance and that of Gender and the relevant agencies to a workshop on the CRBTs, the private copy levy and other issues on copyright on 14th September 2022.

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Artiste Bebecool ( L ) emphasizing a point during the Meeting. On his right is Charles Batambuze, Vice Chairperson National Culture Forum

This is one of the strategies to achieve the desired changes. The artistes were led into the Ministry premises by National Culture Forum Vice Chairperson Mr Charles Batambuze.

Other artistes included Bebe Cool, Hannington Bugingo, Cindy Sanyu, Emma Carlos Mulondo, Phina Masanyalaze, Nince Henry among many others.

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A group photo of Artistes & Hon. Nobert Mao at the Ministry of Justice Headquarters


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