Maggie’s Love, Money not enough to Tame “Omukyamu” !


Musician Faisal Seguya aka Rabadaba has many times tried to remind whoever cares to listen that he is untamable.

First, it was through his Mukyamu song, then attempted murder case after he stabbed the late Tedious Buyego, he followed this with the 2021 bragging saga after his introduction ceremony with Maggie Kaweesi and now his new album dubbed Son Of A Sir that features songs like Ffe Banene and Omwana w’omwami.

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Rabadaba and Maggie in their good old days

Through social media and a leaked conversation, Maggie is opting for a divorce after over a year in marriage. In the audio, she explains that she wants to divorce over irrevocable differences. She accuses him of being arrogant,  biased with her family, Lazy, changing phone password and overall change in behavior.

“I said you know what, let me ask for two divorces because he no longer has interest in me. He never loved me, he had his other intentions,” she said in a leaked conversation.

She also poured her emotions on Snapchat through a post that said, “Be careful with whom you trust and fall in love with. People can miss you up because they never loved you but had hidden agendas,”



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