Top 5 Talking points as MK starts Social Life at 48!


For close to a month now, the first son General Muhoozi Kainerugaba has shown excitement about his coming birthday by tweeting heavily about it, starting with naming the organizing committee, to big personalities that are invited to date when all is set for the main celebrations this weekend at Lugogo Cricket Oval.

Preparations that have lasted weeks got us asking why the first son chose his 48th birthday to be this full of pop and glamour in the making. They say life officially starts at 40 but its like the General chose to start his 8 years later. The journey Road to Muhoozi’s birthday this year has been a rollercoaster of things and today, we look at the top 5 amongst the many, Enjoyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

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For most people, an idea of a birthday party with an organization committee full of top ranking officials was something new and unique and many confessed its with Muhoozi’s birthday that they chanced to such a thing! Gen Muhoozi made the revelation of his birthday party committee through his Twitter handle. At that point, we authoritatively confirmed that all people listed were hardworking and the General saw them fit to man the work, however for some other people, the list meant more than that.


“The list of people posted by Muhoozi are in actual sense not meant to organize the birthday, the First Son was simply naming his top friends that he is willing to work with closely in all his moves” a one Political Analyst said!

True to that, we later see that the actual team manning the organization is headed by Muhoozi’s uncle Michael Nuwagira AKA Toyota and not the Attorney General, Honourable Kiryowa Kiwanuka as earlier announced. Muhoozi also invited diplomats from outside countries like Presidents, ministers amongst others, the big question however is, will all of them join in? A one Jolly Mutesi, former Miss Rwanda who was invited openly apologized to the general incase she failed to make it! Her message brought about alot of uproar on social media with a section claiming that the beauty queen had turned down a whole general!

Muhoozi’s move to put Tamale Mirundi and Andrew Mwenda on his birthday organization committee was a deliberate move to push the agenda of his celebration. Knowing that the pair is always at loggerheads, the General knew it would become a matter of debate in the public domain and therefore popularize his birthday, he got that right because Mirundi commented on the matter and gave it mileage!


Known for pushing the ‘Muhoozi project’, renowned events promoter Balaam Barugahara, an avid supporter of Lt Gen Muhoozi  Kainerugaba and his father President Yoweri Museveni wanted government to declare the first son’s birthday a public holiday in Uganda!

“Public service is it possible to consider the 24th April Public Holiday. It’s our Super Generation leader Gen Muhoozi  Kainerugaba’s birthday help us,” Balaam wrote on his facebook.

In the same lane, the same Balaam also appeared in a viral video saying he was set to invite Bobi Wine to perform at the birthday of their next generational leader. The move set alot of talk within the public domain since Bobi is a known strong opponent of Muhoozi and his father President Museveni. Another member of the Muhoozi project, a one Isma Olaxess through a video came out and alleged that Bobi had already asked for 25 million Uganda shillings which were granted to him by Balaam and he will be performing, Bobi has since not commented on the matter!

The Muhoozi project team has for a while given hundreds of reasons as to why their next generational leader should be celebrated in a glamorous manner for his 48th birthday, on the other hand though, their opposers have continuously termed the celebrations a waste of tax payers money.


Did Twitter deactivate Gen. Muhoozi’s account or did he pull it down himself? This is what many Ugandans on Twitter were wondering Tuesday 12th April 2022 when they noticed that the First Son’s account had suddenly disappeared. 

Even as many speculated that the account may have been deleted, it later appeared more likely that Land Forces commander apparent had deactivated his own account. Usually, Twitter indicates when it has suspended an account with the message “Account Suspended”. But in this case, the error message was “this account doesn’t exist”, which appears when a user has deactivated an account. 

A source inside the Generals inner circle revealed that he chose to deactivate the account himself because of various reason. ” Until recently, the account was gaining about 2,000 followers per week, but then this rate started dropping. Gen Muhoozi believes someone is behind this and he decided to take the account down for now,” the source revealed! Although the reason seemed valid, a section of online analysts maintained that General was looking for talkability and momentum online to create a favorable pace ahead of his birthday.


Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba’s fans from various regions have been organizing for him a pre birthday parties ahead of the main celebrations this weekend. According to the available information, the pre-Birthday party which will be attended by delegates from the districts of Kabale, Kisoro, Kanungu, Rukungiri and Rukiga will be hosted at Hotel Volcano in Rubanda Town Council, Rubanda District on Friday evening 22nd April 2022. It’s reported that the party is being sponsored by a group of fans calling themselves Friends of Muhoozi Kainerugaba in Kigezi.

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Some of the Muhoozi supporters in Masaka

On the same note, also another section of greater Masaka business tycoons together with senior NRM cadres including taxi drivers under the umbrella Masaka United Taxi Drivers Cooperative Society (MUTDOCS), Motorcycles riders, and other business communities decided to participate in all activities in this region to celebrate Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba’s birthday while clocking 48 years on earth. The pre-birthday took place in Masaka city where former Bus Park is located on 20th /04/2022 and the function started with a procession from the venue heading to Welcome Total via Nyendo suburbs then back to the venue.


Preparations to Muhoozi’s birthday party have lasted weeks and now, its all set for the main party. For some weeks now, few invitation cards have been dished out to a few top ranking and famous individuals something which left the general public questioning how they can be part. Well the good news is, everyone is invited and free to join in the celebrations at Lugogo Cricket oval, the organizing committee chairman MR Toyota confirmed!

Preparations are in high gear
Ongoing preparation at the Venue

While speaking at a presser, Toyota maintained that invitation cards were made to call special guests to attend but there have also been adverts on radios and TVs calling upon the public to attend. Toyota maintained that invitation cards were made to call special guests to attend but there have also been adverts on radios and TVs calling upon the public to attend. Toyota further noted that the celebrations are purely social and there will be entertainment from some of the top musicians in the country so everyone is welcome.

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Bebe Cool with General Muhoozi recently

The event is also expected to host several members of Parliament, ministers, among other public figures. Some of the top artistes expected to perform include Chameleon, AZawi, Bebecool, Winnie Nwagi, Daddy Andree, Kalifah Aganaga among others. The organization team assured everyone coming for the celebrations lots of eats and drinks.



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