King Saha In Bitter Land Row


It seems the more one grows and progresses, the more problems they face. The latest news indicates that singer King Saha is embroiled in a bitter land wrangle.

Saha who has a mega-mansion on the outskirts of Kampala revealed that the situation is tense in his area. The singer revealed that over 20+ of his neighbors are all stranded after the arrival of a new neighbor. This new neighbor has paralyzed the entire area after blocking off the road. The Signal singer said that this neighbor bought the area way back in December. She however cordoned off the road going to the indigenous resident’s homes.

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Saha’s yet to be finished mansion

She told them that they have been passing through her land. Attempts to engage her all failed even after village meetings. She proceeded to file a complaint against Saha in court. Furthermore, the singer said that she’s now taken to deploying machete-wielding thieves popularly known as kifeesi to guard the area. Saha added that there is a lot of insecurity and things might escalate.

“There is this woman who has put the area on tenterhooks after she bought a piece of land here in December. She blocked the road and told us that we have been passing through her land. Attempts to talk to her proved futile. We organized a village meeting and even my lawyer the lord mayor Erias Lukwago came through. She however ran to court and pressed charges against me only. This is however a road that in case of an emergency we all use. And the constitution of Uganda says that nobody can block a road or well. We now walk with machetes to protect ourselves since she deployed kifeesi and other things to taunt us,” Saha said.



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