Kasuku Wazabanga Opens Up About Struggle With Depression 


In a candid interview with Ruth Kalibbala, media personality Kasuku Wazabanga bravely shared his battle with depression, shedding light on how it nearly claimed his life.

The journey into darkness began amidst a period of profound loss for Kasuku, as he mourned the untimely deaths of his close friends, Isma Olaxess and Kato Lubwama.

The weight of these tragedies bore heavily on Kasuku’s mental health, plunging him into a spiral of despair. Reflecting on his experience, Kasuku emphasizes the importance of checking in on friends regularly, as depression remains a prevalent and real issue in today’s society.

The sudden and tragic loss of Isma Olaxess and Kato Lubwama profoundly impacted Kasuku, plunging him into a deep sadness. Coping with the loss of two cherished friends within a short span overwhelmed him, leaving him grappling with his emotions.

Depression transcends mere sadness; it is a debilitating mental health condition affecting millions globally. For Kasuku, it manifested in disrupted sleeping patterns, forcing him to shift his work schedule to accommodate his struggles.

In sharing his story, Kasuku hopes to raise awareness about the realities of depression and encourage open conversations about mental health, fostering support and understanding within communities.



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