How Socialiate Champagne Papi Defrauded Ham 18bn In Bayern Arena Deal.


Honest Kavuma aka Champagne Papi, a City socialite was sent to spend some time in Luzira prison for defrauding city tycoon and Entrepreneur Hamis Kiggundu billions of money.

Several sources last week reported a story of how Kavuma conspired with sham Bayern Munich(a football club in Germany) representatives and bamboozled  Hamis Kiggundu aka Ham 18 billion Ugandan shillings (an equivalent of $5m). Kavuma, the squire of Bayern Arena, a sports and fitness complex that has an artificial tuff football pitch(7-aside) situated in Munyonyo near Speke Resort Hotel, buttonholed Ham and hoaxed him that he has connections with European jumbos, Bayern Munich.

It is reported that Ham who was planning to fly to Europe or Dubai to buy an artificial turf for Nakivubo stadium, halted his plans and gave Kavuma all his attentions. Having named his artificial tuff Bayern Arena, Ham believed in Kavuma. He promised to contact Bayern Munich on Ham’s behalf and flew in three fraudsters (white men) who disguised as Bayern Munich officials. When they arrived in Uganda, they slept at 5star hotels and Kavuma even lied to Ham that they flew in with a private jet implying that Ham had to meet all the costs.

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In 2020 around November, Ham hosted ‘officials’ from Bayern Munich at his ‘White House’ in Kakungulu and took them to Mbale District where he bought a big chunk of land to construct a state of the art sports complex. It is reported that the Germans signed paper work that was supposed to pave way for the first payment in the multibillion deal that would see Ham construct a fully fledged sports complex, with a soccer academy.

After successfully conning Ham, Kavuma flew to Dubai and bought special construction materials and lavish furniture to complete his house in Munyonyo. After waiting for the deal to materialize but in vain, Ham Kiggundu sought the intervention of detectives at the Kibuli based CID in suspicion that he had been defrauded. Kavuma was then arrested and aligned before court and sent to Luzira Prison yesterday on Monday.



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