Harmonize’s Italian ex Sarah Michelotti demands half his wealth!


Harmonize’s Italian ex, Sarah Michelotti, demands half his wealth

It seems the drama between Tanzania’s Bongo Flava artiste Harmonize -real name Rajabu Abdul Kahali – and his Italian ex Sarah Michelotti is far from over. Michelotti has now moved to court to have Harmonize’s assets divided in half. In addition to this, she also sought to be officially divorced from the singer. According to Tanzanian blogs, Michelotti filed the petition at a court in Temeke. In the past, she has been vocal in reminding Harmonize about how she financed his career when he was starting his career as an artist.

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Harmonize & Sarah Michelotti in their old sweet Good days

Through his Instagram Stories, Harmonize reacted to her ex saying that he was in shock that Michelotti was demanding anything, especially since when she left him he had nothing. The star claims that he had nowhere to sleep resulting in him seeking refuge at her current girlfriend’s house.

You mean she has reported it like we are married, she wants us to divide my wealth, poor me, which wealth is this? When we separated and I started sleeping at your house, where is that wealth now coming from?,” Harmonize wrote in Kiswahili.

His girlfriend Frida Kajala then advises Harmonize to ignore her ex. Sarah Michelotti responded to their banter advising, “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you for more than 4 years,” Sarah Michelotti said. Harmonize and Michelotti are reported to have tied the knot in 2019. They later split up after the singer revealed that he had a secret daughter. In a lengthy Instagram post, he first started by apologizing to his wife, loved ones and his daughter whom he felt compelled to hide from the world for fear of being chastised.

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Sarah Michelotti

Harmonize did, however, reveal that despite keeping his daughter a secret, he still provided for her and her mother financially but faulted himself for not being physically present for her. In addition, he said he could also not visit her daughter when she was sick for fear of jeopardizing his relationship with her then-wife, Michelotti.



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