Gospel Singer Exodus Returns After Battling Depression.


Musician Exodus is one of the most successful gospel artists in the country. He was at the top of the game for over ten years and has inspired a whole generation to do gospel music.

The singer has, however, faced different problems before, including mental health issues and depression.

Exodus explained he took a break from music to concentrate on his well-being and rediscover himself. He wanted to conquer his fears and overcome depression so he could bounce back better.

“After a considerable absence, I feel like an upcoming artist once more. I chose to take this hiatus due to ongoing mental health issues that began around 2014, ultimately leading to depression by 2017. I recognized the need to step back, prioritize my healing, and return to creating when I am in a better state of mind,” he said in an interview with a local television.

Exodus believes he is now refreshed, and his fans should watch out for the best from him.



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