In a dramatic turn of events at the 2024 Zzina Awards on Thursday night, longstanding tensions between the music camps of Alien Skin and Fik Gaza escalated into a physical altercation, disrupting the prestigious event held at the International University of East Africa Auditorium.
The feud between Fangone Forest and Gaza Empire, rooted in both musical and ideological differences, came to a head during Fik Gaza’s performance, with over 30 members from each camp involved in the altercation. The police had to intervene, forcing a halt to the awards show for nearly an hour until order was restored.
Witnesses, including media personalities and celebrities, were seen fleeing the venue amidst the chaos, highlighting the intensity of the confrontation. The incident has sparked concerns among entertainment critics, who lament the growing chaos within the music industry.
NBS TV presenter Douglas Lwanga, addressing the incident in a now-deleted tweet, criticized the lack of discipline and called for unity among artists as the key to promoting harmony and success in the local music scene.