Evelyn Mic Breaks Silence On Encounter With Singer Alien Skin.


Evelyn Mic has courageously stepped forward to share her harrowing ordeal following an assault allegedly perpetrated by singer Alien Skin during the Galaxy Zzina Carnival at Forest Park Buloba on May 5th, 2024.

In a statement posted on X, she recounted the incident as a violent attack near the stage, involving humiliation and physical assault.

Expressing profound emotional distress, Evelyn conveyed feelings of mental abuse, manipulation, and disrespect.

Her decision to speak out extends beyond personal grievances, aiming to shed light on similar instances of harassment within the entertainment industry.


Taking decisive action, Evelyn reported the assault to Buloba Police Station, initiating a criminal case against Alien Skin, documented under SD REF: 02/06/05/2024.

In pursuit of justice, Evelyn has secured legal representation from Katende Ssempebwa & Co. Advocates to ensure her case receives due diligence and accountability.



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