Dr. Propa Begged Me For A Collabo Says Chris Evans Kaweesi


Singer Chris Evans Kaweesi has entered the fray regarding singer Dr. Propa’s recent appeal for assistance from the public, asserting that it’s merely a ploy to regain attention in the spotlight.

Despite offers of support from fellow artists like Alien Skin and Ameria Nambala, Chris Evans Kaweesi has expressed skepticism about Dr. Propa’s claims, suggesting they lack credibility based on his knowledge of the situation.

Chris Evans Kaweesi emphasized the need for journalists to investigate Dr. Propa’s assertions thoroughly, especially regarding the alleged sale of his house, which Dr. Propa claims to be his residence.


Regarding Dr. Propa’s supposed financial struggles, Chris Evans Kaweesi questioned the authenticity of the plea, citing instances where he observed Dr. Propa enjoying a lavish lifestyle, including driving expensive vehicles valued at over Shs100 million.

Reflecting on past experiences, Chris Evans Kaweesi recalled a time when Dr. Propa left him stranded in Iganga after a music tour gone awry. Despite this, Chris Evans Kaweesi acknowledged that he forgave Dr. Propa for his actions after the latter apologized, though the incident had initially caused him frustration and nearly led him to quit music.



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