In a joyous occasion, stand-up comedian Reign Omusoyisoyi, known by his real name Lubega Obedi from the famed Maulana and Reign comedy duo, participated in the vibrant 14th graduation ceremony of St Lawrence University in Rubaga.
Amidst the celebratory atmosphere, Reign, donned in a stylish black graduation gown complemented by a white shirt and a blue suit, graced the ceremonial grounds accompanied by Mityana Member of Parliament Hon. Francis Zaake and his parents.
The charismatic comedian shared his excitement on social media, expressing his enthusiasm for this significant academic achievement. Reign’s presence at the event adds him to the esteemed list of Ugandan celebrities who have successfully pursued higher studies.
As of the publication of this report, the graduation ceremony is still in progress, and details about Reign’s field of studies are yet to be disclosed. We will keep you updated on this exciting development.