Ceaser Kajura brings the Sparks on “Twegonze”


Just like he’s always done on past projects – Ceaser Kajura, a renowned jazz maestro returned big on his latest release – “Twegonze“.

Mesmerizing and tantalizing, the saxophone that is Kajura’s jazz staple adds much more flavor further ascending his musical godhood. It’s  subtle at first, rising out of the back of the mix and providing some more satisfying sonic textures for the listener to enjoy.

In the song, the saxophone pops up in All parts – often with geat success. Instruments over played in music usually limit an artistes vocals, however in Twegonze, everything is skillfully deployed.


The lyrics are less, giving way for Kajura to do his thing with the saxophone. The lines – “…..Katweyagale…..Leka Twegonze…..” are used in the chorus, without irony, – but the sentiment behind them comes through in the delivery. 

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Twegonze is a tender song, just like the romance at its center. Kajura’s subordinate songstress in the song is in search for her buddy’s company whilst singing – “….Searching for you my buddy, I need your company!…” before he makes a triumphant return with the saxo.

At that point, she sounds like she’s more than willing to stay there, whether she gets crushed or not. The old-school coloring, dress code and sparkling lighting creates the uniqueness around the video with everyone in the cast playing their role to perfection.

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When we talk about how a song builds, we usually mean it starts slow and quiet before reaching a crescendo, but “”Twegonze” manages to build upon itself and flesh itself out without deviating from the quiet, lovely sound it established. There’s no grand climax, because there doesn’t need to be; there’s simply a full, complete song. The gentle melody of the chorus provides all the emotional resonance you need.



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