Bebe Cool makes peace With Alleged Gunman


It seems keeping grudges is not a thing singer Big Size Bebe Cool is accustomed to. Just like he’s buried hatchets in the music industry with the likes of Dr. Jose Chameleone, Radio and Weasel among others, the singer decided to bury one that had developed with a UPDF soldier that attempted to shoot him.

Bebe Cool revealed over the weekend that a one Capt. Namara almost shot him. This was after a drunk Namara knocked Bebe Cool’s car severally. The Gagamel boss proceeded to file complaints against Namara and Police confirmed they were indeed investigating the matter. Bebe Cool however revealed that he managed to meet and talk with Namara over the incident that happened at the said parking lot. He further added that throughout his active 27 years of music, he’s learnt that thinking of forgiveness quickly when wronged is vital. That’s if there is a willingness from the other party to negotiate because one day it will be you seeking forgiveness.

The Bafudde singer added that he did fast for only 5 days in the past Ramadan. He then performed his Fidyah and Kaffara but while fasting, he only thought about forgiving those that wrong(ed) him. It’s for that matter that he called his lawyer, a one Semana and instructed him to withdraw all charges pertaining to this case. This gave him a piece of heart and left him pondering on reconciliation as the best course of action. And luckily Namara had the same thought which Bebe termed as the spirit of UBUNTU.

The singer concluded by saying that both his and Namara’s jobs require them to move at night. And yet such incidents usually occur. “Unfortunately, both our jobs require us to be outside at night and yet a lot happens then. We met and got to know each other and thanks to Allah we are both alive. I’m always open to reconciliation because it’s a major key to peace. We fully regret the panic and inconvenience if any was caused to the public,” Bebe Cool wrote on his Facebook page. And of course opinion social media leaders jostled in with numerous comments. Some opinionated that he was probably threatened by the army boys reason he dumped the case quickly. Others told him that chilling with the big boys doesn’t make him one.



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