Are musician’s tears the new trend!

Chris Evans Kaweesi

Everyone has a breaking point. Many celebrities have shed a tear while sharing their life stories. These celebrities usually don’t have music concerts ahead.

Recently, Victor Kamenyo cried for love after his girlfriend Ruth left over alleged infidelity. Gravity Omutujju also wept after a verbal attack on his family.

Even when his then girlfriend Jamila Kalungi left him for her current husband, Chris Evans did not cry, he instead released a song. He was also very strong while narrating how he was beaten with a hammer six times on the head.

Today, ahead of his bikalubye concert, Chris Evans wept live on a local TV. He said that the status of the music business made him cry.

“I joined music believing there is Unity but you can plead for a drop from someone and it takes them years to give it to you, ” he said

Chris Evans is hurt because only a few musicians have done for him video drops asking people to attend in large numbers.



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