There is a viral video making rounds of singer Victor Kamenyo in a bitter rift with his yet to be identified lover.
In the video, Kamenyo is seen seemingly pleading to this lady but to his dismay, he’s pushed away as the woman flees through the get of what seemed like an apartment space.
In the entire rift, Victor Kamenyo’s phone was thrown and it hit the ground, its at this point when he moved back to collect its remains that his alleged lover stormed out of the gate.
The person recording the video is heard from the background questioning why the rapper doesn’t get fed up of fighting his lover.
Victor Kamenyo has a Concert coming up soon and to some people, this is simply a stunt to get him talkability in the media as he swiftly sets pace for his show!
Victor Kamenyo has not come out to mention anything ever since the video went viral and neither has his lovely girlfriend as they never expected anyone could have been recording this bitter war and verbal exchange.