The trial of prominent Kampala socialite and businessman Charles Olimu, widely known as Sipapa, along with his wife Shamira Rukia Nakiyemba, faced a setback as the High Court adjourned their case for a month. The delay, announced on Wednesday, comes as trial judge Micheal Elubu was indisposed, handling another criminal session in Mukono. The couple is jointly charged with 13 counts of aggravated robbery and money laundering.
Scheduled for March 11, the trial will witness the presentation of forensic exhibits and documents detailing the alleged crime scene. Prosecutors claim to have amassed sufficient evidence linking Sipapa and his wife to the purported robbery of approximately Shs1.6 billion from South Sudanese businessman Jacob Arok Nul Mayendit.
The state asserts that on the night of August 29, 2022, Sipapa, a businessman dealing in gold, cars, and music promotion, and Nakiyemba, a designer, engaged in money laundering in Kampala. Prosecution contends that the duo, along with others still at large, robbed Mul and Mary Ateng of Shs1.6 billion, two mobile phones, a 75-inch flat screen, an Apple MacBook, and used a substance on Arok rendering them unconscious.
Detectives, during investigations, traced an iCloud signal from a stolen iPhone to Sipapa’s residence in Buwate. A subsequent search recovered stolen items, including Shs267 million, four iPhones, three laptops, gold jewelry, and various car accessories. Two cars, a jeep and Audi, resprayed with red color and lacking registration plates, were found in the compound.
The prosecution’s evidence suggests that, after learning they were wanted by the police, the accused attempted to hide the vehicles. They removed stickers labeled ‘Sipapa’ and handed over three vehicles, including the Jeep, Land Rover, and a numberless Land Cruiser, to Elizabeth Kobusingye.
The prosecution’s case relies on several pieces of evidence, including a search certificate, police forms indicating physical conditions of the victims, and an agreement for the land sale of the victims.