Apass announces that he is soon making his musical comeback


Singer Apass has been off the music grid for a while now. He has been undertaking various ambassadorial gigs and had decided to lay aside music and first focus on being an ambassador for a while. Apass has filled his Instagram with promotional videos of  “Sumz” which is a ready to eat snack. He has also been doing a lot of gyming as well.

Many fans actually came to the conclusion that Apass had decided to quit music in order to be a full time ambassador. Many were disappointed because his fan base has continuously grown over the years.

Apass recently came out to announce that he had never quit music and mentioned that he was only taking a much needed rest because he discovered he was over working. Apass also mentioned that his ambassadorial duties were too many and he needed to cater for them first.

“I had taken a leave since I’m not a robot. Being a musician doesn’t mean that I’ve to be active in studio. I’ve a lot to make me busy as an ambassador as well as gym work. I want to be like Schwarzenegger. I would be at comedy Store if I was a comedian. That’s why I’m always missed when I’m away. I got a dream to come back and rescue the music industry from pretenders. That’s why I’m back,” A Pass revealed.


Apass is apparently planning his come back, saying he is still in action and has never stopped singing. He even mentioned that he is making his comeback so as to rescue the music industry from what he called pretenders.



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