Merry Heart (Tumbetu) Comedy duo deny witchcraft practice rumors.


Merry Heart (Tumbetu) comedy duo has denied allegations of practicing witchcraft in the comedy industry. The pair states that their success is due to their hard work and content creation.

Speaking in an interview, the pair noted that the decline in a comedian’s career is not due to witchcraft, but rather due to their competitors working harder and improving their craft.

“We don’t bewitch anyone and there is no witchcraft practice in comedy. It is only the power of content creation. If you see someone declining from the top, falling to the bottom, some may think that he/she is being bewitched but the fact is that it is the power of content creation at play. As a comedian, you have to be very creative 24/7 and script everything that you plan to execute”

The duo plans to pay a visit to veteran comedian Amooti Omubalanguzi for paving the way for them and other comedians in the comedy industry for the great job done to shape the industry. 

Their visit comes at the back of being disappointed by Kabata three days ago when they had paid him a visit only to be chased and locked out of the gate with their food items that they had bought him.



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