I secured My Spot In The Ugandan Music Industry – Vyper Ranking brags


Bantu Africa Entertainment singer Vyper Ranking, born Ayire Sadam, has bragged about having secured his spot in the Ugandan music industry. 

“I believe I am going to be here forever and that is why I am recognized since I positioned myself and I’m certain I’ve secured my spot in the music industry. When You talk of dancehall, you can’t go without mentioning my name in the local industry”, Vyper Ranking stated. 

Speaking in an interview on Spark TV, the dancehall star claimed that he pretty certain he has an impact he has added to the Uganda’s dancehall noting that ever since he rose to the limelight about six years ago, he has not seen any challenger yet. 

When asked share about when is an artist liable to hold a concert, he replied noting that whenever one feels is ready, that is the right time to take action. 

Sharing about bubble gum music, Vyer ranking added how he doesn’t believe that it harms the music industry as he stressed that such music is shortlived since it is very hard for an artist who sings such music to last for a period of 15 years. 

Speaking about his creative process while composing a song, Vyper noted that he takes serious consideration in minding about the lyrics, production, and his fans that he delivers his music too. 

“While recording a song, I mind a lot about my lyrics, production, my fans, and audience before a release a new song. Bubble gum music doesnot harm the music industry because its time is very limited simply because the person singing it has the guarantee that he or she would be here in the next 15 years”, Vyper Ranking.



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