“Bebe Cool Is Not A Big Musician” Biswanka


Biswanka didn’t hold back his criticism of legendary artiste Bebe Cool while appearing in an interview with Radio 4.

Biswanka labelled Bebe Cool as a “faded artiste” and argued that he lacks the moral authority to comment on other musicians.

Bebe Cool, with over 20 years of experience in the music industry, has been a big influence on many young artists. Despite his long-standing career and achievements, Biswanka remains unimpressed, questioning Bebe Cool’s current contributions to the industry.

Biswanka says that he’s from the trending generation and confidently slammed the Gagamel boss.

Bebe Cool is not a big musician. I can clearly say that I am better than him in every way. He doesn’t have a hit song at the moment, and that’s why he doesn’t need to say anything in the industry.


He also went on to criticize the annual Bebe Cool list calling it “stupid” and “irrelevant.”



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