#2ND CHANCE: Alex Muhangi returns MC Kapale to Comedy Store!


For all MC Kapale comedy lovers, congratulations to you. He is back to the Comedy store stage after having been given a second chance by the manager, Alex Muhangi. MC Kapale is said to have fallen out with Alex Muhangi very bitterly but when he asked for a second chance, it was granted to him. MC Kapale is said to have plotted to tarnish Alex Muhangi’s reputation by plotting a fellow comedian’s kidnap, pinning it all on Alex Muhangi.

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MC Kapale – Back in Action at the Comedy Store on Wednesday

Alex, being the Alex that we all know did not give all these accusations time but rather decided to move on, without trying to clear anything up. There was also a time when Alex Muhangi was accused of exploiting his comedians and yet he underpaid them yet he used their content on his you tube channel. It is also said that MC Kapale was apparently the mastermind between these glorious plots to tarnish Alex Muhangi’s reputation.

On realizing his wrong doing, MC Kapale allegedly begged Alex to reconsider and take him back because he had understood he was wrong and he wanted a second chance to make matters right. After serious thought, Alex has granted his request and has brought him back to comedy store and on Wednesday Kapale was one of the acts at the Weekly comedy store in Lugogo!



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