President Ebrahim Raisi died on duty- Iranian ambassador clarifies assassination rumor 


The Iranian Ambassador to Uganda, Majid Saffar, announced that Iran does not hold anyone responsible for the death of President Ebrahim Raisi.

“Death is death,” Saffar stated, emphasizing, “He died while on duty. We are not accusing anyone for the death of our president.”

The clarification trashes speculations that had started to spread, alleging that the crash was an assassination.

President Ebrahim Raisi, along with his Foreign Minister and other officials, passed away while on duty in a mountainous region.

During a media workshop held at the Cultural Consulate of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, Ambassador Saffar described the President’s death as heroic.

“We have received numerous messages of sympathy from around the world,” he said.

He also assured that the relationship between Uganda and Iran remains strong despite the tragic deaths.


 “The bilateral partnership between Uganda and Iran is robust and will continue to grow,” Saffar affirmed.

“We will uphold the agreements made between our countries and are committed to deepening our cooperation in various sectors, including trade, agriculture, and infrastructure development,” he added.

His remarks came a day after Foreign Affairs State Minister Okello Oryem, on behalf of the Ugandan government, eulogized the deceased, recognizing him as a significant figure in the relationship between the two countries.

In 2023, President Raisi made a historic visit to Uganda to strengthen bilateral relations and expand cooperation. The visit marked a milestone in the relations between the two nations, resulting in several key agreements and commitments.

During the visit, President Raisi and Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni engaged in high-level discussions focusing on trade, energy, agriculture, and technology. The leaders agreed to bolster cooperation and trade between their countries, with Iran pledging support for Uganda’s oil refinery project.

The agreements aimed to enhance economic and political ties between Iran and Uganda. Both nations committed to expanding relations in various fields, including politics, society, science, and technology, and to sharing experiences in areas such as energy, oil, and technology. Additionally, they pledged to cooperate in agriculture, fisheries, animal health, and livestock production.



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