#PHOTOS: How it went down at the 2021 UPRS annual general meeting


Uganda Performing Rights Society (UPRS) is Collective Management Organization (CMO) legally mandated to collect music royalties for it’s members from all those that use members works commercially and include broadcasters, banking halls, public transporters, bars, restaurant and hotels, telecoms, travel planes etc.

UPRS recently had it’s Annual General Meeting for the year 2021.

Below are photo moments and famous quotes.

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L- R Emmanuel Mulondo Executive Secretary NCF, Kazibwe Danniel Ragga Dee Chairman NCF and extreme right Patrick Muhumuza Operations NCF
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Joshua Akandwanaho of NITA & Jane Nambasa of UFMI
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 CEOs of the Collecting Management Organisations (CMOs) L-R Anthony Mwandha UPRS, Jane Nambasa UFMI and Charles Batambuze URRO
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 Kabito Karamagi Board Chairman UPRS, James Wasula former CEO UPRS, Sam Okello Chairman UNCC, Gen Phillip Idro OWC, Semakula Richard SEE Tv and Anthony Mwandha CEO UPRS
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Cindy UMA President and Bigeye UMA Treasurer

A CMO is a type of licensing body which grants rights on behalf of multiple rights holders in a single (‘blanket’) licence for a single payment.They are typically not for profit organisations and are owned and controlled by their members, the right holders.

CMOs in the music business are Paramount because they are the guaranteed channel through which rights owners (musicians, managers, songwriters, composers, producers) can collectively license and claim fees for usage of works created

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UPRS Annual General Meeting 2021 Video




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